WaterFire Sharon

Client: WaterFire Sharon, a nonprofit arts fund of the Community Foundation of Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio whose mission is to aid in the revitalization of the region and foster community engagement. 

I was approached early in 2012 to create a unique logo for WaterFire Sharon as a pro-bono project. 

I was familiar with WaterFire; a world-renowned, multi-sensory art event created by Barnaby Evans, and I could see the potential impact an event like this could have on the city of Sharon. I also resonated their feeling that a unique mark with local ties would be essential to the promotion and regional recognition of the event. 

My only quiet skepticism was how they thought Sharon would be considered as a potential WaterFire venue when hosted in cities like Providence, Columbus, Kansas City, Singapore, and Rome? 

Alas, they came back to me a few weeks later with news that they convinced Barnaby Evans to name Sharon as a WaterFire venue. Impressed with the victory for my community, I was eager to get started. 
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